Art Prints

  • "Just because we're all doomed, doesn't mean we can't have a good time''

  • (Anonymous existentialist)
  • "You can't change the past,

  • but you can still f**k up your future!" (Anonymous)
  • ''I look at you/

  • /and I would rather look at you than all the/portraits in the world/except possibly for the Polish Rider occasionally'' (F. O'Hara-Lunch Poems)

"Just because we're all doomed, doesn't mean we can't have a good time''

(Anonymous existentialist)

"You can't change the past,

but you can still f**k up your future!" (Anonymous)

''I look at you/

/and I would rather look at you than all the/portraits in the world/except possibly for the Polish Rider occasionally'' (F. O'Hara-Lunch Poems)

People call me Valentina

I was definetly born, on January the 1st, 1986. I'd love to show the same order in my life that I have shown picking up the date of my birth. Instead, I speak when I should be quiet, eat fries when I should be eating fruits, and have a compelling tendency to do what's inappropriate. I love books and animals and plants and food and stupid jokes and even humankind, I'm also trying to befriend God! I'm happy to show you something that I love to make


If you want to contact me, this is where you can write:
